Saturday, November 10, 2012

New Study Indicates Benefit of IV Inotropics for Hospice Patients at Home

Just yesterday I discharged a CHF patient from the hospital to home with hospice. He had an ejection fraction of only 10% and all of his meds, except the usual oxygen and morphine drops, had been discontinued. I worried for his comfort at home, despite knowing that hospice was involved. This morning I awoke to find reference to a new study which indicates that IV inotropics given to the heart failure (HF) hospice  patient in the home setting can be safely administered. 64.5% of HF patients receiving this therapy were able to remain at home compared to 35.9% not receiving it. Inotropics for palliative care of the HF patient is no new topic, but this study really seems to support the financial and psychosocial benefits of the treatment as well. The following links to a summary of the findings:

Patients at home benefit from inotropic infusion

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